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P.O. Box 960

Wabasca, AB T0G2K0

Phone: (780) 891-3311
Fax: (780) 891-2002

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  • To provide the participants with actual work experience in an  organized and safe manner.

  • To provide the participants with opportunities to learn knowledge and skills, this will contribute to their employability.

  • To provide the participants with opportunities to develop a good understanding of their requirements of being an employee.

Past Projects

  1. Little Sandy site development

  2. Literacy project  (Apprenticeship Preparation)

  3. Basic heavy equipment training

  4. Timber cruising  (Phase 1 and 2)

  5. Small Engines repair

  6. Log home Project

  7. Aboriginal  Junior Forest Rangers

  8. Playground Maintenance

  9. Community gardening

  10. Summer  Youth Camps

  11. Firewood project

  12. Type 1 Fighting training

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To provide information, direction and advice to the youth of First Nations in the areas of :

  • Training

  • Employment Preparation

  • Life Skills

  • Career Counseling

  • Work Experience and Job Skill Development

We have attempted to provide the youth who are between the ages 15 and 30  with as many opportunities as possible in personal and skill development.

Our target group is youth who are presently   unemployed, out of school, and that have barriers to  employment.

Funding is accessed through ASETS youth program and First Nation's Youth Experience Program available from INAC, and also other partnership projects from other businesses/organizations.

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Donald Alook


Office Hours:

Monday to Friday 

8:30 - 4:30 PM

Closed Evenings, Weekends and Holidays

Bigstone Cree Nation Updated Logo Trans.png

Contact BCN Admin:

#85 Duran Trail, P.O. Box 960

Wabasca, Alberta

T0G 2K0

Main Office: 780-891-3836

Fax: 780-891-3888
Toll Free: 1-800-268-6783


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