Lot #85 Duran Trail, P.O Box 960 Wabasca, AB T0G 2K0
Main Office: 780-891-3836
Toll Free: 1-800-268-6783
Fax: 780-891-3888
Email: bcnadmin@bigstone.ca
Chief and Council
"As long as the sun shines, the water flows, and the grass grows."
Chief Andy Alook

"Our members deserve an improved quality of life today and for generations to come."
Message to our Children and Youth of the Bigstone Cree Nation,
Chief and Council encourages all the people to honour the Treaty that was signed by our forefathers. Be proud of who you are as a First Nation Member. Always remember that we understand the treaty the way the elders interpreted and that the promises must be forever and keep educating the government and keep reminding them that they need to fulfill their obligation to the Members of Bigstone Cree Nation. Acknowledge our understanding of the Treaty and let us all continue to strive to be recognized as the First Peoples of this Beautiful Country, Canada.
It is important to acknowledge the Treaty Day every year. By doing this, it is a message to the Government that there is a Solemn Agreement in place and Bigstone is part of that. Let us not forget that we the people who have given up so much. You, the young are the blessing for that is how the life goes on.
May the Good Lord continue guiding us all and heartedly thank Him for His great Blessings, whatever struggles that we may face and whatever the paths may lead us, in His Most Gracious Name, we ask our Lord for the strength to help us cope or deal with them.
Ekosi Maka